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Our expertise, as well as our passion for web design, sets us apart from other agencies.
When Allou Fun Park has its birthday, you take charge of throwing the biggest party ever!
For the 20th anniversary of Allou! Fun Park, Greece’s largest amusement park, Media Planners crafted a comprehensive 360 marketing campaign to celebrate two decades of fun and excitement. A nostalgic campaign that reminded us of our carefree moments, bringing our hearts back to where they once felt pure.
Campaign Strategy:
The goal was to convey the message that Allou Fun Park has always been our beloved meeting point! The core message, “Meet at Allou!” remained constant throughout the campaign, emphasizing the park as a timeless destination for fun. We highlighted the park’s evolution and the enduring joy it offers since 2002, emphasizing that the message remains the same regardless of the medium.
Through a strategic mix of targeted ads, engaging content, influencer partnerships, and high-profile event participation, The two days event itself welcomed 8,000 guests and our campaign successfully reached around 1M people online. This significantly boosted Allou! Fun Park’s brand awareness and visitor engagement further highlighting the campaign’s impact on attendance and community engagement.
1 million young people reached